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Join the Fight

Help us stomp out breast cancer!

Walk Overview

Join our community in the movement to stomp out breast cancer!


When: Saturday, October 15th from 10am - 2pm.


Walk begins at the Kim Jacobs Breast Cancer Resource Center (946 Kenmore Blvd, Akron Ohio, 44314), will continue on to Wilbeth Rd and circle back to the community resource center. 


Parking is located behind the KJBC resource center with additional street parking available up Kenmore Blvd.


Distance: 1.1 mile walk

As the fall season draws closer, event-based decisions may be made to best meet the health and safety needs of our supporters, staff, and volunteers, including adjustments to help mitigate individual and community health risks. 


Masks are encouraged but not required.


Register is now CLOSED.

To join the walk, use the form on this page to register. Registration includes a walk t-shirt and Not Just October wrist band. 

KJC Walk T-Shirt Mock - Pink.jpeg

Register HERE

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Registration is now closed. Thank you for your support.

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